Co-ed Slow-Pitch Playing Rules
A full set of playing rules and batting order options are available upon request. Email: michael@adworldseries.com
12 co-ed games guaranteed.
Entire game schedule released on arrival day (September 21).
Every team placed in a division (4-5 divisions) based on playing level and competitiveness. (Refer to Division Placements & Scoring below)
Line-Up: 6 males, 4 females can play anywhere.
Additional hitters permitted provided 1 male and 1 female are added…or 2 males & 2 females (12 or 14-player batting order).
Pitching Arc: 6’ - 15’ (pitch must be over the batter’s head).
A mat (plate extension) is placed directly behind home plate. A pitched ball landing on the plate OR any part of the extension shall be called a strike. Mat size: 36”x24”x4”.
All batters start with a 1-1 count. The “second” foul ball after two strikes is declared a strikeout.
Male batters hit a 12” ball (44 COR, 375 compression - Worth ProTac Super Duper).
Female batters hit an 11” ball. However, they can also request to hit a 12”.)
All 4 outfielders must stand on the outfield grass until the batter makes contact. A female hitter can be thrown out at first base on a base hit provided that outfielder completes the throw from the outfield turf.
No new inning will start after 55 minutes.
Game times officially begins after the home team pitcher completes his/her five (5) warm-up tosses.
Two males will be able to bat “back-to-back” in “pre-designated spots” in the line-up. A Batting Order primer is available upon request.
Three (3) courtesy runners permitted per game, and must be pre-game designated.
Up the Middle - For Male Hitters. An “OUT” will be declared anytime a “male” hits a line drive at a “male or female” pitcher. All base runners must return to their original bases. A line drive is considered a hit above the ankles to 18” above the pitcher’s head. Big League Dreams chalks line / or a circle around the pitching rubber and any line drive within those lines / circle will be declared an out.
However, any batted ball hit by a male hitter that hits the ground in front of the pitching rubber is a live ball. The Umpire makes the call - it cannot be protested.
Up the Middle - For Female Hitters. A “female” hitter is not penalized for any line drive she hits up the middle regardless whether the pitcher is male or female.
Pitcher’s Equipment: Masks are not mandatory, but highly recommended for pitchers. Other protective equipment such as chest and shin protectors are permitted.
Home Run Limits: Unlimited home runs allowed within division play only. A 1-Up rule applies in all other games including cross-division games.
ASA & USSSA legally-stamped bat rules are permitted. Doctored or shaved bats are prohibited and the team faces severe scoring penalties if a player is caught using one (i.e., forfeiture of that game PLUS forfeiture of the next division game).
Division Placements & Scoring Championships
All teams are placed in equally-weighted divisions based on recent ASWS history, the number of returning players, number of rookies, and roster size. New teams are vetted and assigned to the division best suited to their playing ability and overall competitiveness.
Division I comprises of primarily “D-level” teams.
The lowest division(s) primarily consists of “recreational-level” teams.
Every division team plays designated “cross-division” opponents, and those games will count towards that team’s overall division standing.
Anytime D-I teams play a lower division team, a 5-run per inning limit will apply for both teams… until the last inning when both teams will be allowed to score an unlimited number of runs. These games will be marked on the game schedule.
Anytime a D-II team plays a D-IV team,, the D-IV team starts the game at a 3-0 advantage. These games will be marked on the game schedule.
Additional run advantages may be considered after the complete roster of teams is disclosed.
CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES: If two teams have the identical division record (includes cross-division games), then a full championship game will be played. If three teams have the identical division record (includes cross-division games), then a 1-inning tie-breaker will first be played between the two teams that allowed the most runs in previous division-only games. The team that allowed the fewest runs will receive a bye. The winner of that 1-inning playoff will advance to play a full 55-minute game.
Although a championship game can go a full 55-minutes, both teams can request a shortened three-inning playoff. If there is a dispute, then a coin flip will determine the length of game.
Every team - regardless of overall record - is eligible to win the “overall team championship”. Overall record (50%), participation in at-event competitions and Facebook postings (50%) make up a team’s total score. Coins will be distributed during off-field competitions and it is each team’s responsibility to turn in coins the following day.
The top three teams will be awarded $1,000.00, $500.00, and $250.00 respectfully that will be applied to the 2025 team entry fee.
Inclement Weather
Knock on wood. The Ad Softball World Series has never had to cancel a day’s play during our 41-year history… and that translates into 121 game days.
The ASWS’ tournament director reserves all rights to modify any game(s) due to torrential rains, lightning, excessive wind, or other Acts of God. The Big League Dreams fields are most dirt and grass; however, two of their six infields are turf.
Any postponed games will be made up September 23rd, perhaps into evening hours based on field availability.
In case of rain, games may be shortened to a 1 or 2 pitch format. The ASWS is still responsible for paying park rental fees, but fees that would be paid to umpires will be proportionally returned to affected teams.
The mystery dinner venue - if scheduled for outdoors - will go on as scheduled or be moved into an indoor facility.