Common Questions
Q: Payment Sources?
A: Check, Money Order, Cashier’s Check, International Transfer
B: Zelle (via michael@adworldseries.com)
C: Venmo (via Michael-Meiches). Label your transaction as “Friends & Family”. If you check “Goods & Services”, then you must add 3% to your fee.
D: PayPal.com. A 3.5% administrative handling fee applies for all U.S. credit card payments. A 4.50% fee applies for international transactions. “Send payments" to michael@adworldseries.com
E. Payment by Check? Payable to: Michael Meiches or the The Advertising Softball World Series
Send to: Michael Meiches
The Advertising Softball World Series
8117 Manchester Ave. #178
Playa Del Rey, CA 90293
Q: Player and team fees due date?
A: No later than August 23. Hotel rooming lists must be submitted by August 16.
Changes to rooming lists (i.e., arrival, departure dates, room types, roommates) can be made without penalty based on room availability.
Q: "Recommended" team roster size?
A: All co-ed teams play 12 games. Recommended roster: 12 players (7 men, 5 females).
Defensively play 6 males, 4 females. Batting additional hitters and free substitution is permitted (add a male hitter and a female must bat, too).
The ASWS is independently organized and not affiliated with any softball sanctioning organization. We have our own playing rules (www.adworldseries.com/playing-rules) and specific batting order options (available upon request).
Q: Can hotel stays be extended pre and post tournament dates?
A: YES. The Advertising Softball World Series can reserve extended stay room nights at the discounted group rate pre and post tourney. Guests will keep the same room for the duration of their stay.
Extra night stays can be paid to the ASWS or directly to the hotel via credit card.
Q: You want to come and have friends interested, but not
enough to field a full team.
A: Every player seeking a team will be placed on a squad, and every effort will be made to find a team that's a perfect complement to your (and your teammates) on-field abilities. Your friends will play on the same team as you - guaranteed!
Q: Are there sponsorship opportunities?
A: Contact michael@adworldseries.com for sponsorship and sampling
opportunities. Or click here: https://www.adworldseries.com/sponsorships